In love with craziness

Rikke Alfheim Horn
5 min readMay 8, 2021

My ADHD’ energy takes me on adventures of ecstatic feelings of co-creating, and gives me sound feedback with “big bright smiles” for what to do and what to skip….

The character “Queen Alf” in a new podcast to be launched later this summer.

Observations I keep a keen eye on, are; Does my body send back thoughts like; “my back hurts” or thought like; “immensely good”, when I’m in the presence, of other people? Whether they are physically there or not, the intensity with some goes beyond space and time and often leads to those ecstatic feelings of co-creating something that makes souls sing of joy.

“At the end of the day, from my perspective, it boils down to how energy feels”

It is soon enough time for that first bath, in the fjords of Sandefjord. The jump from the pier, the moments of fear thrilling through my system, the knowledge of previous experiences, of chock to the nerves of my skin, when My flesh hits the surface of ice-cold salty water.

Head underneath the surface, sparkling fresh air into my lungs, as my head rises up again.

Rebirth, rising Phenix

Movement is essential for turning the cold into pleasant feelings. Fast forward movements of swimming in circles. Eventually feeling free to move like a mermaid. Ecstatic good. Clear mind. This is what it’s all about. Power of nature. The joy of that moment. Present to all that is. In an instant.

Being a spiritual being, what is that to me? How does my ADHD fit in? I can't really speak for any other, my experiences are unique to me. My storytelling around them, change with given circumstances. When Shared, I get to understand others’ perspectives. Does my experience resemble anything they feel? Will they speak about it, bring new knowledge by sharing their views?

I’ve met many strangers on this road.

Often strangers, have given a high impact on what I used to think. Like this female, I met, in India. She showed me her baby and asked for money. No arms on that baby. Cut of. Born to be a beggar, according to their caste system. I was 22. I had seen it in pictures. Thought I understood the pain. I couldn’t be more wrong. The despair in the mother’s eyes.

That I felt. Waves of it!

Can that system be changed? In my lifetime? I went into a high fever for the next 4 days. Remember little as I was given strong pills, by a doctor who never met me. My Sir Lankan friend made the taxi stop, by a friend of his, I hope he really was a doctor 😅

A week later into my journey to India, he brought me and my fiancee on a 4 days trip into the mountains. We were to be given the honor, of meeting wise men that could tell our future, by using their ancient scrolls. They told me the following: “first marriage very bad, second one very good. 7 years very sick, You’ll become full recovery. New dreams begin” Could I believe them? 22 years old, newly engaged?

2 years later I fled that plan by moving out 2 weeks after my “Bridal shower”

My Norwegian “Utdrikkningslag”. A day of hula dancing in the sky (by airplane), almost walking on water (failed attempts to waterski). Firely dancing that evening, and earthly wise the next morning… In my perspective, I got the fun of getting married, without the seriousness of the act.

And I somehow assumed I had fooled, destiny….

First marriage “very bad”, lasted for 17 years. The years of compromise, very good, beautifully loving — in the eyes of the surroundings, and for some time, in my own views. Few words of kindness said at home. Quite equal, to my childhood. Did I marry, My Mum? Open hearts, lot’s of loving words, a #flipthecoin mindset, how can we make each other better? Lessons from previous experiences, my sister's wise words: “you looked good together, but did you really make each shine, was life really bountiful”?

The ones that give your energy a rocky ride, might be the ones showing you the pain of growing, fostering of talents, that resprout with a brighter shine — Later.

What is gained, when we explore that? Every experience of life, a gift, abundant in perspectives when one includes others.

“When the choice seemed to be to crawl up into a corner, of shame and guilt and self-blame, I chose to fill my life with JOY - every single day”

Joy became my compass of how to dissolve one life I had created to replace it with a life that “fit my personality”, or as my shink said: “You are happy when you are more” That's your (ad)HD personality. HyperActive.

I wear many hats, as a business leader. I’m ADHD, highly creative, in love with craziness, and on a mission in life with great purpose and meaning to me. Inviting in others under the umbrella, one vision, of “Amplify joy” to co-create a new way of joyfully working, together.

“Why do I judge myself, when the whole world is already doing it?”

That’s how, it sometimes feels, thinking new thoughts, bringing new creativity into the picture. The flaws in the plan often expressed as; “You can’t do that” or “You have to… do… THIS first”, according to procedures…” Norms. Expectations. “Why do I judge myself, when the whole world is already doing it?

That is also a line in a song by the Norwegian rap artist Michael Kilda. You may get to know him, in the short documentary film ‘In Love with Craziness’. Through his creativity and music, he transforms his personal suffering of being diagnosed with ADHD, and his struggles with the system — into new possibilities and hope. Intriguing captured and presented in the style of an intimate audio-visual diary, by the film documentarist and child psychiatrist Melanie Ekholdt.

By this film, we are reminded of the importance of simply listening to young people, with the belief that the ability to transform resides in every human being. That we are all in continuous motion, even after adolescence.

Gratitude and joy, that is what I felt when Melanie invited me to make a satirist podcast with a twist. The ways she feeds me with love, for all my “craziness” is priceless for one that spent most of her life hiding, from exposure. The first 3 episodes are in Norwegian, later this summer the clips of me as Queen Alfheim, meeting Dr. Hel, “the very wounded healer” will be published. Joyful Production is about following our instincts and creating abundance in our relationships, with play and fun, also when serious topics are concerned.

Smiling brightly. Podcast coachingly

My latest creative adventure. Bringing laughter to people by sharing perspectives through characters, hiding in our beings 😉

Joyful Production is a unit within Quandrum where joyful working is zest in life



Rikke Alfheim Horn

I’m a lover of life 💃 fun, deep conversations, ♥️2♥️ connections, with a deepfelt wish to give 👐 Entrepreneur in unicorn’s aiming to change society.